Sunday 26 February 2012

How to find an adequate campsite

  • The first thing you need know about being able to find a good camp site is safety, is everyone going to be safe there.
  • Allowing time to set up camp, you don't want to be setting up in the dark so if you need to travel or you need to do other things make sure you leave pretty early to be able to get to your site before dark
  • Is there enough space for you + family,school mates, anything other people camping with you
  • Use established area so use areas you know other people have camped at and are safe 
  • There always flat ground where you are makes it so much easy to camp on
  • Is there shelter from the wind, are there trees around if the wind starts to pick up you have to be care of these things just in case.
  • Check for hazards- like trees and things like that 
  • is it near a water source, are you going to have to travel further and stuff like that to be able to get your water.

On school camp last year at the Murray Venture, our over night base camp location had to be changed due to the floods, the original campsite was flooded and shrubs had grown over the area we were going to set up the tents, which meant we could no longer camp there because there wasn't a safe location to set up the tents.

Another experience i have had when finding an adequate campsite is when i went camping with my family a couple of years ago, when we got to the campsite it was almost dark so we quickly picked a location and set up out tent as soon as possible, without checking the safety points, to avoid the sun setting before the tent was set up. We then set up a camp fire, had dinner and a while after went to bed. After laying in our sleeping bags for not even 15 minutes we had realised we picked a bad spot to set up the tents! We were sleeping on a really uncomfortable rocky surface, which meant it was extremely hard to get comfortable and get to sleep. Since it was too late to re set up the tent because of the darkness, we had to wait till the morning. Which meant we hardly got an sleep and were tired the next day.

- ALWAYS make sure you have a flat surface when setting up a tent, because a comfortable sleep is really important.

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